Free magazine subscription for interior plant design
I-Plants Magazine is a free-subscription online magazine for horticulture businesses, interior plantscapers, interiorscapers, architects, designers, office managers, facility managers, urban dwellers, landscape designers, students, teachers, building managers, suppliers and all plant lovers!. Our magazine, published every 6-8 weeks since April 2010, reaches roughly 2,000 regular subscribers – mostly business owners and senior managers. Many pass the magazine on to their associates in the industry and their employees, greatly increasing our readership. Others read our magazine through Facebook and other social media.
Delivered monthly to your email inbox, I-Plants Magazine features up-to-the-minute articles written by well-known experts in their fields. Topics include biophilia and design trends; horticulture and professional-level plant care; increasing sales, improving your business and marketing; going green and eco-friendly practices; green walls, moss walls, rooftop gardens and green roofs; urban-scaping and patio-scaping; WELL and LEED program standards; future horticulture trends, plus your favorite plants, flowers, trees and shrubs.
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