Front inside cover W 210mm x H 297mm ad - only 1 available per non awards issue - 6 available per year.

1-Issue front inside cover full page ad

Please send your ad as a high resolution vector file, acceptable formats are:

  • EPS, PDF, or JPEGS(300 dpi), Do not add crop, bleed or trim marks.
  • Included one free link; additional links $25 per link.
  • *New* Includes one Instagram & Facebook post on the Iplantsmagazine pages.  *Maximum 3 posts per year, per company with an ad purchase.

Please send your ad file to I-Plants Marketing & Sales: Email:

6 Issues available:    New Years, Post TPIE Issue, Spring, Summer, Falliday, Holiday, 

1 - Biophilic Design Awards Gold sponsorship includes front inside cover. 

1 - International Plantscape Awards inside cover - unavailable. 

Please read important points below when developing your ad for the I-Plants Magazine:

  • All transparency and layers flattened.
  • Set Transparency Flattener to 2400 and 600; Images, 300 dpi for contones and a minimum 600 dpi (max. 1200) for lineart; Total Ink Limit in images is 300%.
  • Fonts should be embedded/subset and should be PostScript Type1, TrueType or OpenType
  • CMYK Colour only (No spot / Pantone  colour or RGB colour)
  • Ad image resolution 300dpi
  • Ad TAC 300%, the use of ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc is recommended.
  • Neither custom transfer functions nor custom halftones should be used.


    Usually the 2nd Monday of each month.*

    *Some exceptions may apply due to holidays or production schedules.
    We reserve the right to reject any advertising for any reason, especially those that may offend our readers, reflect poorly on the publication or are from individuals or organizations that are in direct competition with the publisher, I-Plants Magazine or Air Strength Canada and its products and its services. Assistance with the design of your ad is available for a nominal fee.


    Note: The front inside covers are not available through purchase of this "front inside cover" option for the Biophilic Design Awards issues or the International Plantscape Awards issues. Those two inside covers are available through a specific corporate sponsorship option. 


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